By Senator Alice Nitka, Windsor County, March 27, 2009
On Town Meeting day, March 3rd, many of you completed Senator Bill Doyle’s annual poll. Senator Doyle has been making a survey available to Vermonters for forty years this year. He is now in his early eighties and as enthusiastic as ever in calculating and analyzing the results which have come in from all over the state. Estimates are that there will be about 13,000 responses in all when he gets to the bottom of the numerous piles. Hand delivery to the towns by legislators and friends of Senator Doyle is traditionally how the distribution is done in order to keep the costs low. In Windsor County, generally 13 or 14 towns of the 24 towns participate and the number of respondents in the towns varies depending upon how visible the survey is to attendees. The Rutland county town of Mt. Holly always has a high number of respondents for their size; this year 180 and Sue Covalla, the Town Clerk says her citizens love to do the survey.
The poll, while not scientific, provides some very good numbers as to how the state’s citizens are feeling about some of the frequently reported topics in the news. Some questions are on for several years while others are one timers. In 2008, the question, “Should VT Yankee’s licensee be renewed in 2012?” had 4888 saying yes, 3521 saying no and 2849 as not sure. This year, the response so far is 40% yes, 40% no, and 18.85% not sure. (I’m not reporting blanks.)
Although not all of the participating towns are tabulated, all of the towns reported here been totally tabulated. The statewide results of some questions are included here with some local town comparisons.
Should drivers be prohibited from using cell phones while driving?
Yes 74%, No 18%, Not Sure 7%
(Hartford answered: Yes 86 %, No 5%, Not Sure 9%)
Should the drinking age be changed from 21 to 18?
Yes 37%, No 54%, Not Sure 7%
(Baltimore answered: Yes 17%, No 74%, Not Sure 9%)
Do you support same sex marriage?
Yes 53%, No 40%, Not Sure 6%
(Springfield answered: Yes 41%, No 46%, Not Sure 11%)
Should the gas tax be increased to improve our roads and bridges?
Yes 52%, No 38%, Not Sure 9%
(Chester answered: Yes 44%, No 43%, Not Sure 13%)
Are you satisfied with VT’s public schools?
Yes 40%, No 40%, Not Sure 19%
(Weston answered: Yes 34%, No 37%, Not Sure 27%)
Are you satisfied with your health insurance coverage and cost?
Yes 43%, No 52%, No Sure 4%
(Ludlow answered: Yes 19%, No 81%, Not Sure 0)
Reduce VT’s prison population through alternatives for non-violent offenders?
Yes 70%, No 17%, Not Sure 12%
(Windsor and Springfield which both host prisons were in line
with the above statewide numbers on this.)
If you would like results for your town on more questions, please call. I also have South Royalton results but am waiting for Woodstock to be calculated. Wait a few days to e-mail as 1400 e-mails just came in the last 36 hours.
View bills and committee schedules at Feel free to contact me at home, 228-8432, or at the State House, 1-800-322-5616, or at [email protected]. Mailing addresses are The Senate Chamber, 05633-5201 or PO Box 136, Ludlow, VT 05149.