Despite dark, chilly, threatening weather, dozens of area walkers dared to participate in the seni-annual 5K Walk for Local History this past Saturday. Sponsored by Black River Academy Museum (BRAM), the walk began and ended at Black River High School, following Main Street to High Street to Dugout Road and returning to the high school via Rte 103 and Main Street.
The walk, which raises operating funds for the BRAM, raised $300 for the museum. Prizes for the first four finishers and the "last walker standing" we're furnished by Okemo Mountain Resorts, The Combes Family Inn, and the Black River Academy Museum Gift Shop. Walkers enjoyed refreshments at the finish line. Pictured above are the undaunted walkers just before the 5K walk started.
Below are three walkers and friend, Sadie, as they pass the museum. From left to right, they are David Hoeh, Jim Alic, and Bruce Farr.