(The following is a note from Patrick Cody, director of LPC-TV, Public Access television station for the Black River area.)
As you know, LPCTV has been planning for its upcoming move to the Ludlow Community Center complex. The move has required us to raise a lot of money in a small community, during a down economy. There have been some delays along the way; nothing too extreme, but the construction schedule has been set back a few months, from our earlier projections of October. Most of this has to do with the financing piece - as of today, we are approximately $30,000 short of our Phase I budget ("Phase I" includes HVAC, electrical, insulation, some plumbing, and the main partition for the studio itself, including the flooring. More recently, we have faced another minor setback with the flood.
While we have been planning for our move, the Ludlow Elementary School has been planning for our departure from the school, eager to put present space into use (by the elementary, middle, and high school band). On Wednesday night, LPCTV went in front of the Ludlow Elementary School Board to give an update on our schedule and to ask for some flexibility with our lease (we are presently month-to-month through July 2012). Because LES has already put the plan to use the space into motion, the Board decided to give LPCTV an official notice to move out by December 9th.
So now what?
We are now faced with a possibility that we may need to shut down for a period in December. If everything went smoothly between now & December (including success with fundraising and some grant money coming in), we will be in our new space around New Year's Day. However, because there are so many moving parts to getting Phase I compelted, and given that most building projects have unexpected delays, we must prepare ourselves for the possibility that it could be after the new year. I am not sure exactly how we will deal with the lapse between December 9th, when we must vacate our present space, and our move-in to the new facility. It is very possible that we will be forced to temporarily shut down during that time. We are working towards a suitable solution. We realize that folks in the community have come to rely on us, whether it's watching our TV channels, or using our facility and equipment. So
we obviously want to minimize any negative impact that this may have on the community.
How can you help?
First, you can come to our 10th Anniversary Lasagna Supper on Thursday, October 13th, from 5:30 - 7:30. The evening will include a building project update, where we will be addressing this and answering any questions / concerns that you may have. Please RSVP by calling 228-8808 or emailing us.
Secondly, you can help us with our aggressive fundraising campaign. We are looking for additional steering committee members who have ideas & energy to assist us with expediting the fundraising initiatives. We just had a a very lively get together / brainstorming session at Brian & Leanne Jewett's home last week Lots of good ideas came ourt of that and we need help implementing them. If you can help please call 228-8808 or send an email.
Lastly, you can make a contribution. We need to raise about $30,000 more in order to complete the financing for Phase I. To make a tax-deductible contribution or to learn more about the building projecty, visit our capital campaign splash page at LPCTV.org.