Submitted by Peter J. LaBelle
Once again the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will hold their Mardi Gras celebration to chase away the late winter blues. This year the festivities will commence at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, February 10th and will be held at Crow’s Bakery and Opera House Café on Depot Street in Proctorsville.
There will be a New Orleans Cajun style buffet and a wine bar, and dancing to the great tunes of Yankee Chank with Cavendish’s very own Bob Naess. Of course it wouldn’t be Mardi Gras without masks, so there will be a prize for the best and most creative mask.
A raffle will feature three prizes: a Weekend Getaway to the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe as grand prize, a basket of fine Vermont wines and assorted, delicious Vermont goodies as second prize, and a Valentine Cake – chocolate, chocolate, chocolate – as third prize. Raffle tickets are on sale now at the bakery and from any CCCA board member. The drawing will be held at the celebration.
Dinner tickets cost $35 each and are limited, so please get yours early. Call (802) 226-7736 to reserve your tickets.