MONTPELIER — Here's an email Superintendent Brian Ricca sent out this afternoon about the two finalists in the school district's search to find a new principal at Montpelier High School.
Thanks to the excellent work by the MHS Principal Search Committee, we have identified two finalists for the MHS Principal Position.
Adam Bunting is currently the Snelling House Director at Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg. Adam has been at CVU since 2003, serving as House Director and Core Program Director, while a part of the CVU Leadership Team. While at CVU, he has experience with faculty professional development, CVU's Curriculum Clearinghouse, and was the Director of the Climate Committee. Prior to his Administrative work at CVU, Adam taught English there.
Chris Hennessey is currently the Assistant Principal at Spaulding High School in Barre. Chris has been at Spaulding since 2006 where his primary responsibilities are around student discipline, overall climate and day-to-day operations. He has conducted supervision and evaluation of teachers and staff, has assisted the principal on building the budget as well as planning and implementing faculty professional development. Prior to his time at Spaulding, Chris worked at Harwood Union High School, The Pine Ridge School in Williston, Capital High School (Santa Fe, NM), and Dearborn Academy (Arlington, MA).
Both Adam and Chris will be making a brief presentation at the School Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 4, followed by questions from the Board and an opportunity for questions from the public. The Montpelier Community is encouraged to come to the Board Meeting to hear from the candidates and ask a question of them.
My sincere thanks to Steve Robinson, Carol Paquette, Theresa Murray-Claussen, Laura Furber, Toni Ceckler, Sue Monmaney, Jean Stetter, Val Belanger, Lydia Herrick, Alex Clark, Pam Arnold, and Patty Gaston for their time and energy spent on the Search Committee. Their mission-driven and thoughtful work has brought two very talented educational leaders forward for the Board's consideration.
B. Ricca