MONTPELIER — "Actors" are needed for a "doo-occupy music video."
Apparently, on Tuesday at noon at Goddard College, Ben Cohen, of Ben and Jerry's, will be handing out fake diplomas at a fake graduation and filmed for a music video.
"There will be food and fun and a great video for an occupy action on the student debt crisis," according to the announcement tapped to the wall outside Bagitos.
In Doo-occupy videos, Doo-wap songs are rewritten with Occupy Wall Street movement topical lyrics.
In a previous video, for example, "Wake Up Little Susie" is rewritten to "Break Up BofA."
Crystal Zevon, a video producer, said that the fake graduation video will tackle the topic of student debt.
Caps and gowns will be provided.
Call or email Zevon if planning to attend at 802-254-1333 or [email protected].