My story about former U-32/UVM athlete Miles Levine walking on to the University of Miami football team that ran in Thursday's edition of The Times Argus was a long one.
But it could've been longer with what everyone had to say about Levine, and stuff from him I was unable to include. These quotes are still important and they show more of the story behind his journey from Middlesex, Vermont to Coral Gables, Florida.
So here they are:
From Doug DeLuca, founder of modern UVM club football:
"Miles is definitely a very enthusiastic player. He always came with a hyped-up attitude, was very full of energy, and was a great teamamte to have. he was always supporting teammates. It was interesting to see him go from what he came in as - he had a love for the game. He took the biggest steps the year after I left by training like crazy. He knew for a year and a half that he was going to go to grad school and that he was going to walk on where he went to grad school. His experience at UVM, I’d like to think he had a good experience at UVM. Club football is just for fun, having that experience and combining that translated into him being on the team in Miami.
"It’s very rare to find someone to commit themselves at that level. I know he had a goal, and that’s commendable in itself to take the steps to achieve it. You have to have respect for him. I didn’t honestly realize what level he was at. I thought of him as a fun guy on the field, not this beast of a guy. He was always big, now he’s just at a whole other level.
"I saw how hard he was working and I would come up periodically and see the difference. He was so regimented - and that's a huge part of it. He was the most disciplined person on the team."
From Miles Levine:
"I decided i wanted to be a strength and conditioning coach in NFL. I was personal trainer at First in Fitness (Berlin), and I loved training people to make people better. When I made that decision, I knew I wanted to chase my dream of playing D-I football and see if I could do that. I started looking at schools my senior year, and I looked for best academic and best strength and conditioning. The University of Miami, was the top of the list. It's a top 50 grad school in the country, and one of top schools in exercise physiology. Andreu Swasey is one of the top strength guys in the country, in the world really. He's trained some of the best football NFL - Jonathan Casillas, who's a linebacker for the (New Orleans) Saints - Andreu did amazing things for him and his career, and he's really doing a great job doing this srength and conditioning at the University of Miami.
"I've only been through practce once with shoulder pads. I've been up every day at 5 a.m., to the facility at 6, have breakfast with the team, then do sprints and drills, and me and the one other kid who made the team just do sprints for an hour.
"The University of Wermont was really good for me. The main thing I love about Vermont is the friends. The nutrition degree was great but it made me realize I wanted to be involved with athletic nutrtition and how it allows you to perform. It was just like Australia was a stepping stone for me. I got the child in me out of my system, and the University of Vermont really honed that and realized I wanted to be in strength and conditioning and to work in the NFL. It allowed me to train for playing football here. It allowed me to learn the game of football, from Doug Deluca, the student that made that club football team. He did a lot for a lot of kids who still wanted to play football. It allowed me to start playing football, to learn the sportsmanship and what it means to be a football teammate. Playing for that team was a gift, especially that I got to play with him.
"My favorite non-football thing to do...spend time with friends and family. I definitely don't have a lot of time to do it, but I'm blessed with the best family and friends in the world. I believe in myself and tried so hard to accomplish this goal, and the people around me allowed me to believe in myself. A lot of people told me I wasn't big enough, good enough, fast enough, but my mom and my brothers and my sister, my best friends, they all helped me believe in myself and hope all the hardwork is worth it. I wanted to make them proud and didn't want to let them down.
"I worked there (at First in Fitness) my sophomore and junior year while at UVM, so from 2008-2010, and I missed my last UVM football game at the University of Maine. It was the league championship game, but I missed it because worked Saturdays from 12-7 and couldn't get anyone to cover my shift. I loved working there, loved Dave (Pickel) and Chris (Pickel), and I met a lot of people I enjoy staying in contact with. I was blessed to work there, and Dave has really believed in me. He's such a great guy, and a great attribute he has is he loves seeing people he cares about succeed. Our mothers and fathers care, but other than that some people in our lives don't care if we succeed, and some friends may not like seeing you succeed, but he will do everything he can to help you succeed."
-Anna Grearson