may be overlooking a major cause of global warming: soda pop. Those bubbles
come from carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere, which is why they
are sometimes called carbonated beverages. To think, cows are being blamed for
their belches while humans are burping to their hearts’ content (or stomachs’)
with complete unconcern.
there’s a positive side to this situation. Suppose we bottled soda as a way of
sequestering carbon, and simply loaded it into storage. That would be a way of
getting rid of all that high-fructose corn syrup, too, and artificial flavoring
that in other concentrations is used as paint thinner, etc. States made poor by
destructive mining could get payments for storing the toxic waste in unused
mine shafts (I can see the Fox News headline now: Taxpayers Get the Shaft!) The
shipments would help restore our rail system, and thus provide revenues for
passenger rail.
what you will, this solution to the soda pop situation would probably cost less
than having people drink the stuff then show up at hospitals with advanced
cases of diabetes.