From the Brandon Chamber of Commerce:
A 200 ton crane will be moving the Brandon House of Pizza to a less-dangerous spot, allowing Sheila Gearwar and her crew to remove as many pieces of equipment and assets that she can recover. John Vafias, owner of the building and long-time BHOP owner, is in town as well.
The building will then be destroyed (ok, Irene already destroyed it but you know what we mean). If all goes according to the plan, the building will be gone by 6 pm today. While we all want to watch the action, the PD will be restricting public access to the area for safety purposes so the public will not be able to view the action. Please let the emergency personnel do their work and don't get in their way. One town-sanctioned videographer will be capturing and sharing the footage.
Other important information:
* Neshobe gym will have disaster clean up kits available for pick up sometime this afternoon.
* Transfer station hours: today 12-6, Fri & Sat 8-3 Tuesday 10-3 and next Wed 8-3.
* Addison County Solid Waste will be available for large quantities call 388-2333 for details.
* Thanks to Lothrop School and Pittsford Fire Dept and all volunteers for your help during the crisis.
* Document damage limited town office services at the Brandon Fire Station 247-5721.
Overheard at the town meeting:
Bridge inspectors should be in town this morning and town officials are hoping for a green light. If all goes well, Markowski will pave Friday and Route 7 could potentially open by Friday night (editor's note: just in time for the BAG opening and the Community Gathering / Fundraiser Concert in the Park!)
* When the road is paved and re-opened, it will be in a slightly different place than it was last week. Please use caution and drive carefully. It will still look like a construction zone.
* Steve Beck, Town Economic Development Officer, will be coordinating with Markowski's to preserve as much downtown parking as possible.
* There are folks in Brandon who are just barely better off than "stranded." Cobb Hill Road (off High Pond) has lost their culvert. Some of the residents did manage to get to the Selectboard meeting and did not get much encouragement regarding help for their Class 4 road. If you have resources to help with this bridge / culvert, please contact the Chamber and we will get information to homeowners.
* Tina Wiles, Town Administrative Officer, is the go-to person for National Guard, Salvation Army, FEMA and United Way help. She is now based out of the Fire Station (as are all town employees). Contact Tina at [email protected] or 247-3635. Tina reminds everyone to photograph, video, and document all damage and clean-up efforts.
* Town offices are now in the Fire Station for limited services. 247-5721. Until a full determination is made on the town office building, this is where you will find town staff. They are working to get essential items out of downtown so people can get marriage licenses and other necessary documents. Please be patient.
* Unless a building is a public hazard, town officials will not be making determinations for removal. All individual building decisions will be made by property owners (and their insurance companies). Chief Kilpeck and his crew powered down seven buildings earlier this week. The state Fire Marshal has "orange stickered" several buildings. From what we heard, orange stickers are not so great (no entry). A number of other buildings were "yellow stickered" which allows for limited and supervised entry.
* Two town road intersections are now 4 WAY STOPS (and probably will be forever more). The intersection of Park Street Extension, Country Club Road and Smalley Road. And the intersection of Marble Street, Park Street, and High Street. A stop sign has been installed on Route 73 at the intersection with Town Farm Road and Country Club Road.