Town budget
The proposed $1,074,483 dropped 1.6 percent or $17,126 from this year’s $1,091,609. Health insurance, maintenance for municipal buildings and constable costs were all reduced.
School budget
The proposed $1,594,879 for Currier Memorial School is up 6.3 percent or $94,329 over the current $1,500,550. Budget increases include an additional $35,000 for teacher salaries, $18,000 more for special education and support services, and $22,000 more for transportation. Secondary education spending plan proposal of $1,896,834 dropped $94,976 or 4.7 percent from this year’s $1,991,810. Secondary special education costs were reduced by $126,171.
Special articles
Shall the town of Danby vote to increase the Select Board by two additional positions with each additional position serving two-year staggered terms.
Shall the voters authorize the transfer of any surplus on June 30, 2012, an amount estimated to be $146,952, to the tax stabilization reserve fund? (Town school article)
Shall the bonds of the Union School District 23 in an amount not to exceed $190,000 be issued for the purpose of replacing the roof of the Currier Memorial School?
Contested races
There are no contested races for school or municipal posts.
Meeting location
Residents will gather for a floor meeting Monday, March 5 at Danby Four Corners Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. to act on town and school articles. Australian ballot voting on education and municipal budgets and the election of officers will take place at the Danby Four Corners Town Hall on Tuesday, March 6 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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