Fair Haven
Town budget
Proposed $1,888,309, $34,017 or 1.9 percent, less than this year’s budget of $1,922,326.
School District budget
Proposed $4,999,935, $316,765 or 6.33 percent, more than this year’s budget of $4,683,170.
Special articles
— Shall the voters of Fair Haven authorize the Selectboard to borrow up to $230,000 (which may be offset by a grant from USDA for up to $57,000) for the replacement of the River Street sewage pump station?
Contested races
Incumbent Tim Langlois faces challengers Raymond Bunker, Robert Richards and David Ward for two, one-year Select Board seats. Richard Frazier and Cecilia Hunt seek the moderator position.
Meeting location
An informational meeting will be held at the Fair Haven Grade School at 7 p.m. March 5. Elections for town officials and voting on money matters will be by Australian ballot from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 6 at the Fair Haven American Legion Post 49.
Town website