The Vermont Secretary of State's Office sent over the official results of last week's primary. And there are some interesting things to read in the tea leaves.
Nearly four in five voters that day choose the Democratic ballot - with 91,901 people supporting Barack Obama and 59,805 supporting Hillary Clinton. Dennis Kucinich got 1,010 votes, John Edwards got 1,936 and there were 307 write-in votes.
In all, 154,960 Vermonters voted for a Democrat.
On the Republican side, slightly more than 20 percent of voters took that party's ballot. John McCain was the big winner with 28,417 votes. His closest competition was Mike Huckabee with 5,698 votes. Ron Paul trailed behind with 2,635 votes. Rudy Giuliani got 931 votes and Mitt Romney got 1,809 votes. There were 353 write-ins.
In all, 39,843 Vermonters voted for a Republican.
Further down the line, Liberty Union presidential candidate Brian Moore of Florida got only 178 votes. Write-in candidates for that party actually eclipsed his support, with 221 people adding in someone not on the ballot.
In all, 399 Vermonters voted for a Liberty Union candidate.
-Dan Barlow