As expected, Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin of Putney announced Monday morning that he will be a Democratic candidate for governor in 2010.
Here's what he had to say:
Vermonters are struggling to get by during these tough economic times. Tough times require tough and visionary leadership. I believe my experiences growing up in Vermont, building a successful family business and serving in a legislative leadership role, serve me well in understanding and addressing the challenges facing our beloved state.
Shumlin also launched his gubernatorial Web site today.
Sen. Doug Racine, D-Chittenden, one of the five other Democrats running to replace Gov. James Douglas next year, is the first to respond to Shumlin's announcement. He had this to say:
As a partner in my family's business, I know how important it is to apply sound business practice to the state government. Peter and I share this background, and I look forward to discussions about how we can deliver needed services to Vermont families without cutting front line positions. As a business owner, I also know that the escalating cost of healthcare must be brought under control if we are going to be able to provide quality jobs and affordable healthcare to all Vermonters. This will be my focus during the leigslative session, and as governor.
- Dan Barlow