Progressive Anthony Pollina attended last night's meeting of the Washington County Democratic Party. Rumors are swirling that he will run for State Senate - as a Democrat.
- Dan Barlow
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Posted by: Phyllis North | May 25, 2010 at 03:04 PM
When I bumped into Anthony Pollina at the Montpelier Farmers' Market this past Saturday, I briefly spoke with him about his considering running for the state senate and he asked me what I thought about his running in the Democratic Primary.
This actually surprised me a little, since I had figured he might do so as a Progressive or an Independent, especially at this level; which is very different than running for a statewide office.
While I told him I understood his doing so and that it would probably work out, I also mentioned that I thought he could do it as a Progressive or an Independent and still probably have a good chance of being elected as such as well.
Posted by: Morgan W. Brown | May 25, 2010 at 03:40 PM
Anthony should run as a Progressive.
Posted by: Barbara Kight | May 29, 2010 at 07:56 AM