In his letter of resignation, submitted to Speaker Shap Smith, Rep. Michael Obuchowski added his "Lessons Learned", which became part of the record in the House Journal on Friday. He is stepping down to take a post in the Shumlin administration:
Nearly two generations of service in the House have taught me many
lessons, some of which are worth sharing with those now serving and
those to follow:
Obie's Lessons Learned
Do what you think is right despite the consequences.
Treat each other with dignity and respect.
Be honest.
Never give up. Anything is possible.
Don't engage in battle over little things. Save it for situations that matter.
Work hard.
Worry the Governor, like the wolf worries sheep.
Keep a line of communication open. Listen.
Treat the taxpayers' money as if it were your own.
The House Clerk is always correct.
Work together for the public good.
Be judicious with the power to tax.
And remember your constituents are in charge. Protect their rights.