The governor’s State of the State address, scheduled to get underway about 90 minutes from now, will focus largely on “Irene, jobs, and how those things are connected.”
That’s according to Chief of Staff Bill Lofy, who said the speech clocks in at 28 minutes, give or take.
Peter Shumlin’s inaugural State of the State will no doubt be a feel-good affair, with nods to the heroes of Tropical Storm Irene and odes to Vermont Exceptionalism. About midway through the speech, he’ll unveil the “Vermont Strong” license plate, a money-raising initiative to support survivors of the floods.
Aides to the governor are setting up a pair of sleek teleprompters right now. Last year, the devices failed to work in the early going, but finally activated about three minutes in. Hell was paid. It won't happen again.
We’re unlikely to hear anything too controversial today. Next week though, when the governor drops his budget proposal on lawmakers, the partisan sparks will fly.