As promised, here are a few more comments that did not make it into the story published yesterday on the Public Safety Committee meeting on medical marijuana dispensaries.
Lt. Kevin Geno, Rutland City Police Department:
Rutland City is the mothership for too many things. We don't need it to be the mothership for this.
Alderman Sean Sargeant:
Even if we ordinance it out of Rutland City, you go up to Smith Buick, take one step and you're in the town.
Alderman Christopher Robinson:
You send this out to some place like Proctor, you send this into the shadows.
Alderwoman Sharon Davis:
I think we fear the biggest dirtbag on the street is going to open this dispensary and serve the people with presciptions out front and everyone else in the back. I'm not really sure that's going to happen.
Davis also said that between the start-up costs and requirements of staying 1,000 feet from schools and day cares, it seemed to her the dispensaries law was designed to keep any dispensaries from actually opening, at least in the more densely populated parts of the state.
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